5 Reasons Why You Should have a LinkedIn Profile

5 reasons Why you should have a LinkedIn Profile

In this age of technology every individual has two identities, one the real self and the other their online / virtual avatar. There are many who try to draw a line between their virtual and real avatar while there are others who have a universal image whether online or offline. So not having a Facebook account nowadays would mean you are Fred Flintstones from Bedrock ! With increased usage of Social Media, there is a lot of digital footprint the users are leaving behind that they are unaware of. And following your virtual trail and online avatar, recruiters now a day are facilitating hiring based on your online presence or digital footprint as it is known. I have been an advocate of using Social Media and LinkedIn is probably the most professional part of it. I believe every individual should have an active LinkedIn profile. So here I present to you 5 reasons why you should have an active LinkedIn profile.

5 Reasons Why You Should have a LinkedIn Profile
5 Reasons Why You Should have a LinkedIn Profile

Improves Online Visibility

Whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn for that matter, all these social networking sites allow you to increase your visibility to others. Being a professional domain, it allows you to network with people who work in a similar domain of yours. There are professional groups of like-minded people where you can contribute and keep yourself up to date with the latest trends in your domain.

LinkedIn provides a way to connect with companies

I’m sure most of you would have Facebook, YouTube in bookmarks. But how many of you bookmark company websites ? LinkedIn is a great way to follow companies and their updates. Most of the big names in the industry are a part of this huge network. And most of these companies share a lot of information either about their own updates or updates from the industry. Thus having a LinkedIn profile will allow you to keep a close watch on your future employer and their performance !

Show off your skills by adding certifications

One of the best features I like about LinkedIn is the ability to add certifications to your profile. Certifications speak volume about your capabilities and these are surely the best way to attract an employer. Most of the eminent certifications are supported by the platform, so whether you have completed the prestigious CCNA certification or a MOOC by MIT, everything is there. Apart from that you can have users voting for your skills that will show the employer that you do know your stuff.

LinkedIn LinkedIn helps you connect with professionals. Image Courtesy: cnetinfosystemhelps you connect with professionals. Image Courtesy: cnetinfosystem
LinkedIn helps you connect with professionals. Image Courtesy: cnetinfosystem helps you connect with professionals. Image Courtesy: cnetinfosystem


Another great things about LinkedIn is their Recommendation feature. Thanks to this, you can get recommendations from your teachers, colleagues and show to the world your traits. Recommendations are a great way for other to know what your peers, managers have to say about your work. You can easily ask someone to recommend you and once they have done it, place it on your profile and let the world know.

Connect directly with the recruiter

Being the leading professional network, LinkedIn has the largest pool of companies right from the budding startups to the fortune 500 companies. So finding a job becomes much more easier as companies can directly post jobs on LinkedIn and you as a user can connect directly with the recruiter. This removes the various people you get in touch with while applying for a job the traditional way.

Expert Speak

Also, to back our reasons as to why to have an active LinkedIn profile, we spoke to one of the Experienced HR manager from Jaipur Rugs – Preeta Sharma. She believes that LinkedIn offers a way to connect to the CXOs and follow companies for various updates. So this way you will never miss out on any important update. With employee referral based job postings on the rise, Preeta feels that LinkedIn provides a great way to get references that will enhance your job prospect.

Now, after reading these 5 reasons why you should have a LinkedIn profile, I hope you’ll go and create one now if you don’t already have it or convert your dormant account on LinkedIn and increase your visibility online. If you have got an account, why not add me to your network ? Link to my profile. I would end by saying that “A LinkedIn profile is your online CV and a gateway to your dream job, so please ensure to keep it updated at all times…

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About Atulmaharaj

A seasoned blogger and a content marketer for close to a decade now. I write about Food, Technology, Lifestyle, Travel, and Finance related posts. Blogging brings me joy and the best part is I get to read and e-meet so many amazing bloggers! PS: I'm also the founder for Socialmaharaj.com :) Favorite Quote: "Traveling is like reading a book, one who hasn't traveled, hasn't turned a page.

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  1. Good one Atul, have always managed to keep my LinkedIN updated. It really helps 🙂

  2. Awkward Earthling ™

    I have one and was never bothered to update it. But these days, I see a lot of activity on LinkedIn. So updated recently 🙂

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