Top Desi Chat Bots - Chat Bots in India
Top Desi Chat Bots

Talk to these Desi Chat Bots – Top Indian Chat Bots

Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence are the latest buzzwords that have made it to a common man’s vocab right out of the Computer Science text books. If you are a tech enthusiast, then you would have keenly watched those keynotes by the Pichais and Cooks. The industry is now moving towards making our lives simpler by making computers smarter. AI and ML are the way forward especially for the IT industry.

Top Desi Chat Bots - Chat Bots in India
Top Desi Chat Bots

Autonomous cars which were the future benchmarks during the early 1990, are no more a distant dream. In fact we make use of all of these in our day-to-day lives by using apps like Google Assistant, Siri and the likes. So what are Google Assistant and Siri ? These are called bots (robots) These are amalgamation of some of the most complex technologies not only limited to ML and AI. You would be wondering, are Google Assistant and Siri the only bots available ? No. There are a lot of bots out there. And today I’ll explore some of the helpful ones. Here are the 5 Chat Bots you must talk to.

Top Chat Bots in India

Vihik Cabs

Vihik Cabs  as I spoke in an earlier post – are a cab aggregator company who I term as Ola-Uber killer. They have deviced a Chat Bot that is available on Facebook Messenger. This is one of the highly advanced feature provided by any cab provider till date. Vihik Chat Bot takes care of everything – from registering a new user to booking a cab and making payments. The bot is very interactive and can help you book cabs even without an app! The Vihik Cab Messenger bot is one of the easiest to use and a very helpful bot that will help you book cabs in simple steps. This bot is smart enough to tell you the real-time status of traffic and bus timings. Vihik cabs are soon going to on-board autos on the platform. is yet another powerful chat bot. This one allows you to do anything and everything right from booking cabs, to finding restaurants. Available on Android for free, provides a seamless and easy experience in doing your day-to-day chores. The bot is accurate with replies and gives great suggestions. Pro Tip: keep location services on so that Niki can help you reserve a table at a restaurant near you !

HDFC Bank On Chat

Banking is another sector where Artificial Intelligence is being used big time. Right from the basic self-help portals to advanced chat bots, banks and other financial institutions are relying on AI. One bot that I’ve been using is the HDFC Bank’s On Chat. This bot can help you to recharge your mobile, pay your utility bills, book cabs and much more. You simply start by saying Hi to the bot and it responds with all that it can do. Say “recharge 9977112233” and follow it by the amount and your mobile is recharged !

Ruuh – meet the desi bot

I know this will sound a little sleazy, but are you lonely and want someone to talk to ? If you are on Facebook, be friends with Ruuh and talk to her ! A desi AI who never stops talking is how she describes herself. Developed by the smart folks at Microsoft, Ruuh can converse not only in English but also Hindi. What more, Ruuh is exclusively for India. I had a fairly amusing conversation with her and was surprised by her wit !


I know there are many people out there who are trying to lose weight and become fit. And watching hours of YouTube videos surely doesn’t guarantee that. More often than not, people look for dietitians who can bail them out. If you are looking for a dietitian or a nutritionist to answer your queries, here’s FitCircle. This unique bot provides you with 3 features: 5 minute workout, Diet Plans and Answering fitness queries. The bot answers your queries related to health and nutrition. However, among all the other bots that I used, this one isn’t that user-friendly.

These were the few Chat Bots that I feel you must use to experience the power of Artificial Intelligence. While Vihik helps you book cabs at ease, Ruuh is there to ensure you are never bored. The future is AI and this has become some sort of cliche with every CXO talking about this disruptive technology. I’m hopeful that with this post, you would have experienced the power of AI by using these simple Chat Bots. Think I missed something that should have featured here ? Drop a comment below or tweet to me at @Atulmaharaj

About Atulmaharaj

A seasoned blogger and a content marketer for close to a decade now. I write about Food, Technology, Lifestyle, Travel, and Finance related posts. Blogging brings me joy and the best part is I get to read and e-meet so many amazing bloggers! PS: I'm also the founder for :) Favorite Quote: "Traveling is like reading a book, one who hasn't traveled, hasn't turned a page.

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  1. Chatbots are the in thing these days. I want to learn this tech. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I had no idea that such a thing existed even. This is brilliant and I think I am going to get on board with some of these apps too. Thanks for writing this.

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