Siri: The Peppy Virtual Assistant
iPad Mini Home Screen.

Siri: The Peppy Virtual Assistant

The recent Idea mobile ads which is doing rounds is showcasing that we Indians never want to do our own work and want others to do it for us. Which is true if you actually think ! Ghar pe Mummy TV on kardo and office mein Mona Darling how many meetings I have for today ! everyone wishes to have that Mona Darling at least once I their lifetime. In fact having a phone and a personal secretary is what many people want. But since this isn’t possible for everyone, thanks to technology for giving a solution – Virtual Assistant. Virtual Assistants are tools integrated in modern-day gadgets like smartphones, tablets, personal computers. These virtual assistants listen to you and do what you say, umm.. everything 😉

And one such great and peppy virtual assistant is Siri from Apple. It is a virtual assistant created by Apple Inc. It has been integrated in almost all of their devices, from IPhones to iPads to Apple watch, Siri is everywhere. Apple has definitely revolutionized the virtual assistant domain altering coming up with Siri. Since the virtual assistant uses Internet, it has a galaxy of peppy answers to your questions. And yes it has the facility to block offensive words, because that’s probably the first thing you’ll try once you get it 😛 for guys, It can be a great assistant with a beautiful voice while for girls Siri can have the perfect manly voice.

Siri and her peppy answers. Image Courtesy: Yahoo
Siri and her peppy answers. Image Courtesy: Yahoo

Siri can also speak different languages, but if you think she could speak Bhojpuri, that would take Apple ages to come up with. If you speak French, Elle parle en Français ! Siri, like any secretary can schedule meetings, send out messages, to people in your office. At home she can help you make that perfect cake by helping you covert the units. Whether you are feeling hungry or naughty, Siri will always have an answer if not a proper one. Because she’s connected to the Internet, Siri can come up with some peppy answers.

Recently Microsoft announced its own virtual assistant named Cortana. But the folks at Apple are so smart, they have tweaked the way Siri answers to questions related to her competitor. She is much more than just a virtual assistant, she’s the virtual pal. With Siri, you can talk to her and her peppy answers will surely help you spend sometime with her. From looking for a restaurant to finding out the singer of a song, Siri can help you with everything. She’s definitely the most powerful virtual assistant available today. But the worst part is she doesn’t know about Cricket 🙁

Nonetheless, with her witty and peppy answers one can never get bored with Siri. You can talk to her/him for hours together and I bet she won’t disappoint you. So if you have an Apple device, go ahead, ask questions and share her peppy answers with us !

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

About Atulmaharaj

A seasoned blogger and a content marketer for close to a decade now. I write about Food, Technology, Lifestyle, Travel, and Finance related posts. Blogging brings me joy and the best part is I get to read and e-meet so many amazing bloggers! PS: I'm also the founder for :) Favorite Quote: "Traveling is like reading a book, one who hasn't traveled, hasn't turned a page.

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