3 years, 8 months and exactly 13 days ago I started my blogging journey. Started along side a class blog as a part of an assignment, this blog has come a long way since then. This very post is my 600th Post in the Blogosphere – Achievement Unlocked ! It has been a wonderful journey all this while. I must mention that the recently concluded TATA Tiago Blogging Marathon in collaboration with Indiblogger, was a turning point that helped achieve this target in a short time. During this marathon event, I blogged day in and day out posting close to 130 posts, that’s more than 1 post a day !
So I’ve decided to compile some achievements of the blog during its flight in the blogosphere !
- Most of my posts range between 500-800 words, so considering an average of 600 words for a post and 1352 days, I’ve written ~267 words daily ! Well, not daily ‘actually’ 😛
- My thirst for knowledge spans across various domains and hence the variety of posts. From writing about my trips to different places to reviewing restaurants and talking about RTI to reviewing gadgets, Here’s a category wise break up of published posts:
- Discover India (Travel, journey etc.)- 65 posts
- Food (Restaurant reviews, cooking etc.) – 61 posts
- Opinions and Views (Politics, Educational, Social Issues etc.) – 196 posts
- Technology (Gadget reviews, new Technologies) – 135 posts
- Sports (Sport events, players etc.) – 97 posts
- Others (RTI, Passport app etc.) – 46 posts
- Coming to the vital statistics of the Blog, it has witnessed over 1,00,000 page views since moving to the new address (socialmaharaj.com) with an average of 6000+ page views a month ! The blog also broke the 1L barrier (India) of Alexa (one of the most respected score for websites) but thanks to the change it policies, I’m now striving hard to get back in there !
- Lastly, the comments, feedback and accolades are the most important thing that keeps a blogger going. Having won the Godrej Pan India contest – Runner Up – for Mother’s Day, the Winner of the Parachute Pan India contest about Holi and recently the Runner Up for the TATA Tiago Blogging Marathon is an achievement in itself. Appreciations like these and numerous comments on the blog ensure I keep blogging.
So a big shout out to all the readers of my blog. It wouldn’t have been possible without your continuous support. Thanks for bearing with me for all the constant shares on your news feed ! Looking forward to a great blogging year ahead !
I do have a lots of posts lined up already, so gear up for some exciting and new content delivered ! If you haven’t already liked the Facebook page, please do it. And if you don’t want to miss out on any of the posts on the blog, subscribe to the blog – there a small Subscribe button at the top right of the page.
Have a wonderful week ahead !
Such a fantastic feat this is Atul! You are truly a Maharaj of blogging, that much I can say with admiration! I had set such aspirations for my blog but it never resulted in proper execution. But reading this blog post gives me great inspiration and conviction that I can, definitely at least 2 posts per week ! Thanks man, happy to get to know you through Blog Chatter. #MyFriendAlexa
Thanks a lot Omkar. I’m sure you’ll come up with great posts soon, looking forward to reading them !
Are you getting my comments ?!
Thanks a lot man, motivational comments like these keep me going !
Congrats for the big achievement… Keep writing and keep rocking
#DreamDirectorReads via #MyFriendAlexa @blogchatter
Its great to know that Atul..But you certainly deserve these stats. Wish you more exponential numbers. #UpMyRank
Thanks Upasna for the wonderful words, things like these keep me going 🙂
wow what an achievement….best wishes for more 🙂
Thanks a lot Shwetaji 🙂