Laser Show at Hazur Sahib Nanded
Laser Show at Hazur Sahib Nanded

Laser Show at Hazur Sahib Nanded

I spoke about the mystical Hazur Sahib Gurudwara in my previous post. The gurudwara will leave you awestruck with its architecture. As per my favourite quote, travelling is all about learning. And during my trip to Nanded, there were a lot of things I learnt about Sikhism. Their philosophy, struggles, rituals and other aspects. Thanks to my Sikh friends for not only enlightening me with the required things but also clearing the various misconceptions I had. We had read about a Laser show that takes place every evening. We confirmed with the local folks and it seems the show is still on. I remember there was one in Jallianwala Bagh too, but was cancelled when we went there few years ago. Anyways, after spending some quality time at Hazur Sahib, we went to witness the Laser Show. Here’s how it was.

Laser Show at Hazur Sahib Nanded
Laser Show at Hazur Sahib Nanded

Witnessing the history of Sikhism

The Laser show is held everyday at 1900hrs but starts only by 2000 – 2030 hrs. This takes place in the garden right across the road from the gate 5 of the Hazur Sahib Gurudwara.There is an entry fee to the Children’s park but not for the Laser Show. But make sure to cover your head before entering the park. The Laser show is held at the open amphitheatre on the right hand side after you enter. Walk straight from the entrance, you will come across the Laser Show board, follow it and get seated. There are no chairs / reserved spots as such. I’d suggest you take the centre spot so as to get a better view. Also the Laser show is in Punjabi so I’d recommend you to take a Punjabi speaking person along with you to fully understand the presentation.

The Laser shows lasts about 40mins and talks about the history and evolution of Sikhism. The show is outlined very nicely and makes it easy to understand for anyone. Starting with their first guru and the founder of Sikhism – Guru Nanak Devji – the presentation talks about how he travelled and enlightened people about his philosophy. Right from the first guru, the laser show showed how other gurus succeeded their predecessor and spread the former’s message along with their own teachings. I learnt that it was the fourth guru – Guru Ram Das – who had founded the holiest city of Sikhism, Amritsar. The Laser show is laid out perfectly and one can learn the entire history of Sikhism.

Laser Show is definitely worth your time

With the wonderful voice of the late Jagjit Singh, the Laser show should not be missed. Especially if you are interested in learning about Sikhism. I thoroughly loved the presentation. Even though it was entirely in Punjabi, I was able to understand parts of it. Rest I was glad to have my friends explain me the rest. So if you are visiting Gurudwara Hazur Sahib, then you should check out the Laser Show too.

Also, the laser show is a great way to teach children about the religion. Short and precise, the show enlightens the viewer about Sikhism. Hindu mythology is vast and such laser shows cannot be done to provide an overview of Hinduism. I found it really amazing because of the fact that I’m interested to learn about other cultures. So no matter what religion you follow, do take some time off and show this laser to your little ones.

About Atulmaharaj

A seasoned blogger and a content marketer for close to a decade now. I write about Food, Technology, Lifestyle, Travel, and Finance related posts. Blogging brings me joy and the best part is I get to read and e-meet so many amazing bloggers! PS: I'm also the founder for :) Favorite Quote: "Traveling is like reading a book, one who hasn't traveled, hasn't turned a page.

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  1. Planning to go to Nanded, the evening laser show information would surely be useful. Thanks a lot.

    • Thanks so much Swatiji, the laser show is actually pretty informative. The only thing is that it is in Punjabi.

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