They say “Do what you like and Like what you do“ but if you read and comprehend this carefully, you’ll realize that these are the two most ideal situations for anyone. It’s very rare that you’ll find someone who is doing what he/she likes or is liking what he/she is doing. For an IT professional, computers are your friends and keyboard, mouse become your punching bags and over the years we are used to it. One thing that we as IT professionals (yes I can call myself one now :P) do is code for long hours and thanks to this that many of us have enhanced our typing skills. And this post is dedicated for the love of typing.
Long ago while I was in class 4, I joined a computer class since I was amused by what I was taught at school (Back then we were taught LOGO – for many of you who aren’t aware of it, it was a kind of programming language where there was a turtle that we had to move on the screen by giving basic commands like LT for left, PD -Pen down etc. and using that draw shapes on the screen) and since I didn’t have a Personal Computer then, I asked my parents to put me in a computer coaching class. There was one near my house, so commuting wasn’t an issue as I would cycle there everyday.
First few days at class, was all about LOGO and there was a good amount of typing. Yes Typing ! We had typing classes too, where you would taught how to ‘touch-type’ – type correctly without looking at the keyboard. We usually had a software which would generate some random words and we had to type them quickly & correctly without looking at the keyboard. And this typing was not limited only to alphabets but numbers too.
Later when I moved to a boarding school too, we had a time when we had to attend typing classes in evening to improve our typing skills. That time we used to crib about it as we thought typing is not be learnt. But after almost 8 years after I left school, I must admit that all those typing sessions that I attended helped a lot. Even at work, I frequently visit sites where I could practice typing.
Typing I feel is a skill which not every posses, but everyone can develop. If you regularly take such online typing sessions you’ll definitely improve over a period of time. Plus the site I visit – – shows some great stats about your typing – how fast you were, which is the most typed letter, where you make the most mistakes etc. further the site also tracks your progress on a daily basis (if you are registered) and have some badges which you can win by typing.
So, if you think you need to improve your typing skills, go ahead and join one of sites mentioned below and show your love for typing !
Go ahead and show your love for typing and let us know how fast you are at typing by commenting below !
This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.
I recently started touch typing to correct my horrible finger positions. I am also using It’s a really cool site. Another thing is if you are starting to learn touch typing now, then look into other keyboard layouts like Colemak instead of the standard qwerty layout. Colemak is much more efficient and easier for English language.
Yeah there are some layouts which are simpler than QWERTY. I even tried the DVORAK once…